Help with Sleep Difficulties
Sleep is one of the best gifts that nature gives to us. After a long day at work or a period of physical exertion, you can renew your strength just by sleeping. Sleep is highly refreshing and critical to our health. No human can work non-stop for a long time. It’s the basic difference between us and machines. Anyone who desires to function optimally and live their best lives must take sleep seriously. How Much Sleep is Too Much or Too Little?
Too much sleep calls for concern, just as too little sleep does. In fact, experts say that too much sleep is more dangerous than too little. But how do you know whether you’re sleeping too much or too little?7 to 8 hours at night as a healthy adult is ideal for sleeping and anything less or more is inadequate. While some people need more than eight hours of sleep to feel well rested, undersleeping and oversleeping may be signs of an underlying disease. Anyone who notices either of these sleep abnormalities needs to get checked at the doctor’s soon. Signs and Causes of Sleep Difficulties Sleep difficulties often show up as constant drowsiness, being irritable, insomnia, continuous headaches, difficulty falling asleep, and inability to focus. Many times, the difficulty makes a person unproductive during the day, sluggish, or dull. The causes of sleep difficulties also abound. It can be due to intense worry, anxiety, or even pain.
Sometimes, sleep difficulties are due to lifestyle choices like working late, watching late night movies, or irregular sleep routines. At times, a medical condition or trauma may be responsible.As people age, they may also find it harder to sleep. Other causes may be over-consumption of caffeine, depression, fear, excitement, discomfort, and medication.Any of these issues may cause over-sleeping as well as under-sleeping depending on the individual. For example, a depressed person may sleep less than they normally sleep or longer. If the sleep difficulty is due to a sleep disorder, it can be any of the following:
Obstructive sleep apnea.This occurs when a person is experiencing upper airways blockade that may cause sudden waking at night due to near-choking. The disorder is often characterized by snoring and makes sleep really difficult to enjoy.-Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder This involves whole disruptions in the normal sleep cycle. Instead of sleeping at night, you may feel active and not sleep at all or sleep only a little. By morning, fatigue would have set in and the person will have difficulty keeping awake during the day.
Restless legs syndrome-This is continuous feelings of restlessness in your legs that may cause aches or tingling sensations. When you’re constantly moving your legs in bed thereby interrupting your sleep, it may be a sign of restless leg syndrome.
Lifestyle Changes and Home Remedies for Sleeping DifficultiesSimple lifestyle changes that can alleviate sleeping difficulties include the following.
1.Avoid CaffeineCaffeine can affect you by inhibiting your ability to sleep when you want to. If you’re experiencing sleeping difficulties,you should avoid complicating it through taking more caffeine. It is advisable to stop it altogether.
2.Change the Look of Your BedroomIf your bedroom is unwelcoming, you may want to adjust a few things. Make it as comfortable as possible and create a smooth, relaxing atmosphere that you’re going to look forward to at the end of each day.
3.Spend More Time OutsideIf you’re spending a lot of time indoors and experiencing excessive sleeping, you’ll need to make changes by spending more time outside. The fresh air and outdoor liveliness can help to regulate your sleepiness.
4.Attend to the Underlying CauseFind out the underlying cause of your sleeping disorder and treat it. If it’s worry or anxiety, you need to alleviate your fears and calm your worries so that you can get your well-deserved rest when you need it. If you’re depressed, your doctor may recommend therapy or helpful antidepressants.
Scorpion Rick’s Bottom line: A high level of productivity is closely linked to good sleep. If you notice that you’re having problems sleeping, you should try any of the home remedies we have recommended. Make sure to reach out to your doctor if the issue persists.